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Posted by : Belksiriano jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Download Buena Depth Cue 2.5 | Damage 2.5.1 | Delirium 2.5.1 | 318 MB

Buena Depth Cue 2.5- Set of plugins for 3D manipulation in After Effects, you can create realistic depth of the 3D-layers. The most innovative music videos and songs drawn from the plug-ins to create visual depth in After Effects. Buena Depth Cue is the most innovative approach to create visual depth in AE-compositions. Using composition-based effects, such as Rack Focus, drop light or fog, you can simulate the Z-depth to your composition in a way that simply can not be done through the use of depth of field. In total, Buena Depth Cue v2 includes 6 effects. Damage 2.5.1 - Plug-in for the creation of electronic defects in the video frames. Digieffects Damage became a sensation almost from the moment of creation. Delirium 2.5.1 - Plug-in for After Effects, which includes 44 visual effects, and provides tools to create fire, smoke and bubbles through the particle. These particle effects, advanced built-in turbulence can create realistic imagery without resorting to complex 3D-software.

Buena Depth Cue 2.5- Set of plugins for 3D manipulation in After Effects, you can create realistic depth of the 3D-layers. The most innovative music videos and songs drawn from the plug-ins to create visual depth in After Effects. Buena Depth Cue is the most innovative approach to create visual depth in AE-compositions. Using composition-based effects, such as Rack Focus, drop light or fog, you can simulate the Z-depth to your composition in a way that simply can not be done through the use of depth of field. In total, Buena Depth Cue v2 includes 6 effects.
Damage 2.5.1 - Plug-in for the creation of electronic defects in the video frames. Digieffects Damage became a sensation almost from the moment of creation.
Delirium 2.5.1 - Plug-in for After Effects, which includes 44 visual effects, and provides tools to create fire, smoke and bubbles through the particle. These particle effects, advanced built-in turbulence can create realistic imagery without resorting to complex 3D-software.

Buena Depth Cue 2.5
Set of plugins for 3D manipulation in After Effects, you can create realistic depth of the 3D-layers. The most innovative music videos and songs drawn from the plug-ins to create visual depth in After Effects. Buena Depth Cue is the most innovative approach to create visual depth in AE-compositions. Using composition-based effects, such as Rack Focus, drop light or fog, you can simulate the Z-depth to your composition in a way that simply can not be done through the use of depth of field. In total, Buena Depth Cue v2 includes 6 effects.

Buena Depth Cue includes the following effects:
Depth: The Depth plugin creates grayscale depth maps from your footage. You can also 'precomposite depth' allowing for more manipulation with your 3D camera.

Falloff Lighting: The Falloff Lighting plugin for After Effects provides a lighting system that mimics the way objects appear dimmer the further away they are from the lights illuminating them. With After Effects' built-in lights, it doesn't matter how far away a layer is from a light, it is still illuminated the same amount by that light.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere plugin for After Effects simulates atmospheric conditions such as haze and fog in your composition. Layers further away from the camera appear to be more deeply immersed in the haze / fog than layers closer to the camera. This also applies to parts of layers: If part of a layer is near the camera and part of it is far away, the pixels near the camera will appear less immersed in the haze / fog than the pixels far away from the camera. You can simulate very realistic or very unrealistic types of atmospheric effects using the Atmosphere plugin.

Rack Focus: The Rack Focus plugin allows you to simulate depth of field effects. When applied, layers (or parts of layers) that are near or far from the camera are blurred, while layers (or pixels) in the mid ground are in focus. This allows you to create nice focus pulls and other related effects.

Camera Mapper: The Camera Mapper plugin allows you to simulate a 3D scene from 2D footage. It enables you to isolate one or several objects in your footage, project these objects on a separate layer and pull that layer out of the background, creating the visual illusion of the object floating in front of the original footage. Camera mapping is a key part of compositing applications such as Nuke, and while you could do this natively in After Effects, it would be only at the expense of some complicated work arounds that cost time and lack important capabilities. When applied, you can move a camera around the scene with objects from the scene at varying depths and angles.

Flipside: The Flipside plug-in does one simple thing: it maps one layer onto the back side of another layer. This allows you to flip the front layer over to reveal the back layer. It does this without creating any gap between the two layers, and without the occlusion problems that sometimes show up when trying to put 2 layers very close together in a composition.

Damage 2.5.1
Plug-in for the creation of electronic defects in the video frames. Digieffects Damage became a sensation almost from the moment of creation.
This collection of visual effects plug-ins designed to simulate analog and digital errors and defects in your footage.

Digieffects Damage includes the following effects:
Aged Film: Now bundled with Damage. Customize characteristics such as grain, dust, scratches, frame jitter and color and all those little details that tell the viewer that they're looking at historical footage. Volume discounts and floating site licenses available for multiple installations (limited or unlimited users).

Artifact: Artifact gives you the ability to individually set properties like displaced pixel blocks, color errors, frame dropping, and video compression artifacts, you can choose what can, and can't be seen due to system malfunction.

Blockade: Blockade mimics the low color fidelity rectangular "quadrants' that come from a really crummy video camera feeding a steamroller of a video codec. The color inaccuracy, block size, speed, and temporal frame stuttering are all completely customizable, giving you precise control over how much defectiveness you desire.

Destabilize: With the ability to create convincing camera shake with individual controls over each color channel, multiple axes of motion blur, and nodal rotation control, you can add a bit of uneasy drama, or jittery chaos to nearly any scene with Destabilize. Using the ability to introduce individual random variation into each parameter set means the motion that results is convincingly organic, and a product of fine control.

Interference: Interference brings you that old fashioned CRT feeling. Take any footage you have and create effects like night vision, or imply the viewing surface of a green monochrome monitor, a security camera transmission, or a consumer video format playing back like VHS or 8mm, with full control over parameters like comb filtering, field line size, noise, tint, and luminance for alternating lines, which simulate two scanned, interlaced fields.
Overexpose: Unlike simple luma or levels adjustments which act on specific pixel values ??and just end up looking like a poorly adjusted digital process, Overexpose processes the image in way that mimics an optical response. Overdriven whites aren't simply clipped, they bloom when a camera is acquiring an image that is "hot." Neighboring areas of the image are affected even though those areas might not have overdriven values, luma values ??are affected proportionate to their relative brightness. .. all factors that require specialized processing to create a convincing effect. Add in the ability to vary a wide variety of parameters over time, and your ability to portray iris indecision on the part of your videographer is absolute.

Skew: Digieffects preserves our heritage of analog, modulated badness with Skew, with incredible control over analog noise (or 'snow'), image shearing, vertical rolling, loss of horizontal hold, and ghosting normally associated with weak or distant broadcast signals, and early consumer video tape playback issues like noise bars caused by malfunctioning tracking, etc.

Delirium 2.5.1
Plug-in for After Effects, which includes 44 visual effects, and provides tools to create fire, smoke and bubbles through the particle. These particle effects, advanced built-in turbulence can create realistic imagery without resorting to complex 3D-software.

Description of some effects:
DE Bubbles. With this plugin you can easily create as bubbles pop, and the bubbles created by the movement of sharks.
DE Electrical Arcs. Used to create electric arcs and lightning.
DE Fairy Dust. Most often used to create a "magic dust" around a magic wand, or a fall from the sky Kamet.
DE Fire. This plugin helps make the simulation of fire.
DE FireWorks. Simulates fireworks.
DE Fog Factory. Creates a fog effect.
DE Glower. Simulates the effect of the heat.
DE Grayscaler. Plug-in converts color izobazhenie gray scale with the ability to further adjust the brightness.
DE HyperHarmonizer. This plugin can be used to create incredible mesmerizing geometric objects.
DE MultiGradient. Used to create animation and color gradients.
DE Muzzle Flash. Used to create the flash when shooting.
DE Nexus. This plugin creates animated graphics from geometric constructions.
DE RainFall. Simulates rain.
DE Schematic Grids. The plugin is used to create an editable grid schematic.
DE Smoke. Simulates realistic smoke.
DE SnowStorm. Creates a realistic simulation of a snowstorm.
DE Solarize. Creates the effect solarizatsii.
DE Sparks. This plugin fully simulates the spark.
DE Specular Lighting. Simulates the glowing plastic surface.
DE Visual Harmonizer. Creates the effect of randomized sine waves, consisting of particles or simple lines.
DE Wave Displace. The effect of wave distortion of water.

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