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Posted by : Belksiriano lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Download  HostsMan 4.0.95

HostsMan - a free tool for editing the file HOSTS, which is used by Windows to convert character domain names to the corresponding IP-address. Many administrators make changes to the HOSTS file for a variety of tasks, such as blocking access to specific websites. This operation can be done by adding a couple of lines of text in the usual "Notepad". If you need more powerful and functional tool for managing HOSTS-file, pay attention to the utility HostsMan.

Edit, test, execute and manage the backup hosts file with ease using the free tool HostsMan. Manager file hosts - a useful tool in the recruitment of an experienced user

Key features HostsMan
• Built-in tool for online updating the hosts file
• Enable / disable the hosts file
• Built-in hosts file editor
• Check the hosts file for errors, duplicates and possible hijack-infections
• Backup Manager hosts file
• Exclusion List

The hosts file in Windows is used to convert character domain names into their corresponding IP-address. Control over the file gives a great opportunity. If you want to block a specific site, simply add the domain name to the hosts file and put it in line IP-address of your computer (usually This way, you will lose access to the site in any browser.

You can use the hosts for blocking ad servers and known sites with malicious software. The hosts file can become a victim of malicious programs that seek to gain control over access to the Internet. To view the settings file, you can use an ordinary notebook Windows.

However, the file manager hosts HostsMan is a much better solution. The utility is free, has a small footprint, requires no installation and has a decent set of features.

HostsMan should be run as an administrator to view your file hosts. When you turn in the editor window will record hosts. The Edit menu contains a large functional work with the values ​​of the file. Whenever the context menu, you can create, edit, disable, or delete records, copy, or paste them from the clipboard, and you can add comments. When you call option Edit -> Find becomes available powerful search with regular expression support. A useful feature is also remove blank lines and comments.

If the user believes that the PC could be subject to malware attacks, HostsMan help identify potentially dangerous records, as well as to show the newly created or changed values​​. HostsMan has another very useful feature that increases the security of your PC - Hosts Updater.

The tool includes access to seven popular file hosts, which can be used to block ad servers, resource-malware, etc. You can add your own sites, if necessary, and import records into your own file hosts.

It is necessary to bear in mind that it is wrong updated hosts may cause problems of access to some desirable sites (note especially important, since this is a beta version of the application). Fortunately, HostsMan includes a tool to create an archive file for later recovery. To save your hosts file simply select Create Backup option in the menu Tools -> Backup Manager. If you want to restore the original hosts file without any reassignment simply select Original Hosts -> Restore Backup.

In addition, HostsMan contains several handy features that speed up work on the file. Change the file can sometimes be from errors. For example, Windows produced caching previous IP-address. In this case, simply Click photo Tools -> Flush DNS Cache and try again. If you want to manually update the file, just select the menu Tools -> Open Hosts Folder and select the appropriate item in Windows Explorer to open Windows, command or shell PowerShell.

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