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Posted by : Belksiriano sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

WifiWay LIVE CD distribution is specially designed to audit wireless networks WifiWay was created by the same authors of the famous Wifislax distribution (based on slax) and is taking a lot of strength for speed and efficiency when performing work of auditing wireless networks.Wifiway main novelty is this version is the ability to use desktop TRINITY, in addition to updating all their applications, was added airoscript 2.2 (SSID to audit networks with blank spaces) was added Firefox 6 with several languages java and updated aircrack-ng suite, among other changes...

A WifiWay is useless programs have been removed to save space, such as Kopete, KDE games and now many of the programs we could only enter the console, were added to the menu, which has been completely reorganized to find all much easier, if you want to see all the changes I leave a list with them.Several changes WifiwayBackground Image Start Menu ChangedNew Category Created WpaNew Category Created Connection ManagersNew Category Created ServersNew Category Created Testing (Pen-Test)Renowned Modules to quickly see what is in each oneInitial menu color retouched to make it look all betterAll console applications that are in the menus Dejan Shell ready to work.Added to the menus a lot of applications I was alone calling them by ShellRemoved KDE GamesKopete RemovedRemoved AudiocdcreatorJuk Removed

Wifiway desktop now has the Trinity 3.5.12Changes to Wifiway For ModuleWifiWay Module: 1-001-KernelAdded new firmware to 6000 AND Realteks IntelsOpenssl 0.9.8 RemovedNcurses-5.6 RemovedWifiWay Module: 2-002-XorgLibrary Added To Conky Giblib-1.2.4Library Added To Conky Imlib2-1.4.4Updated to Version 267 XtermWifiWay Module: 3-003-KDE-DesktopAdded Iso Master-1.3.8Added NicotineAdded Gdb-6.6Module: 3-004-Desktop-Wifiway-Fixed all pitchers who remained Atastacados Menu-Created Start-Ups for some applications of ShelWifiWay Module: 4-004-KdeappsAdded Rarlinux 3.93Added KpackgeAdded Record My Desktop- Calcckecksum (to test and the MD of the iso)Added Ntfs-Config (For If you ever need to write to an NTFS partition)Added library gnupg-1.4.9Gpgme-1.1.6 library AddedAdded Libassuan-1.0.4 LibraryAdded Gslapt-0.5.2BAdded slapt-Get-0.10.2CAdded Libsndfile-1.0.24 LibraryWxWidgets-2.8.12 AddedIntltool Updated Version 0.23 to Version 0.41.1Added libcurl-7.21.4 libraryAdded libevent-2.0.10 LibraryAdded Transmission-2.22 (Torrent Client)Added Cryptopp-5.6.0 LibraryAdded GeoIP-1.4.6 LibraryAdded Libupnp-01.06.13 LibraryAdded Script Save EnergyMultimedia Menu Launcher Added To AlsamixerAdded Audacious 2.5.1WifiWay Module: 5-005, OfficeRemoved, remains the most used, which are Kwrite And KpdfWifiWay Module: 7-003-Books-WirelessRemoved Python 3Added GMP-5.0.1Updated from 1.2.1 to 1.4 LibnetVersion 2.5.5 for Python ChangedAdded Tkinterp LibraryAdded Pexpect-2.4 libraryAdded Openssl 1.0.0D (In Wifiway We had 2.0.2 1.0.0B)Added Ruby-1.9.2-P180Added Ncurses 5.9Added libdnet 1.11Added Qt4 BaseWifiWay Module: 7-004-Applications-WirelessAdded Wireless AssistantUpdated to Version 1.3.2 WlandecrypterUpdated to Version 3.2 FeedingbottleUpdated to Version 0.4.0 PyriteAdded Nmap 5.51Ap-Fucker AddedAircrack Suite updated to R1972 (15/09/2011)Angry IP Scanner 3.0 added * Beta6Added Multiatack 1.0.5Whireshark updated to 1.6.2Added Thc-Hydra 7.0Added Thc-IPv6-1.8Added Thc-Amap-5.4Added Pitcher GTK EttercapAdded airpwn (injection of HTML Frames)Updated Crunch from 2.4 to 2.9Updated Minidwep From 21004 to 21026 [In English and Spanish]Added Wifite-R68Add to the category Bruteforge.Py Wpa Version 0.56Add to the category Wg.P WpaAdd to the category WYD WpaAdd to the category Datelist WpaAdd to the category Rsmangler WpaAdd to the category Generadordiccio.Py WpaAdd to the category Cupp.Py WpaAdded to The Wpa Crunch-Size CategoryAdded to WPA WPA-Gui CategoryAdd to the category Pw-Inspector WpaAdded Charon 2.0Added Wep2MackeyAdded ConkynetAdded netcat-0.7.1Added Launcher to airdrop-Ng (Mdk3 of boys Aircrack)Added Harpoon 2.3Updated to Version 2.2 Final airoscript (Seguridadwireless Version)Added Airack-M4-GuiUpdated to Version 0.2.2 WpamagickeyWifiWay Module: 7-006-Jre1.7.07.0 New Version Of JavaWifiWay Module: 7-007-FirefoxFirefox updated to 6.0.2WifiWay Module: 8-008-InstallGrub Patch to improve their performanceIn addition to the above tools, WifiWay is the only distribution that incorporates software and its association with wlan4xx airoscript, since this is a proprietary development program that calculates the default password of some routers on the market.WifiWay is completely modular, allowing you to easily upgrade without having to re-download all of your ISO, which will surely welcome to all who use slow Internet connections or very personalized and your copy of WifiWay.

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