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- R-Wipe & Clean 9.6.1796
Posted by : Belksiriano
lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011
This will make it impossible to restore confidential information about your network or local activity.The program also removes the rest of the computer information on more than 500 applications, thus freeing up disk space. Deleting the information from the disk, you can choose how fast algorithms for disk cleanup, and certified, but slower. All files and folders may be combined in wipe lists to erase at once. Supported file systems include FAT and NTFS. Various problems R-Wipe & Clean can be combined into one or more procedures performed, and how soon and at a certain time or when specific event while in automatic mode.The new version of R-Wipe & Clean supports all recent versions of browsers Internet Explorer, Mozilla / Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Flock, NETSCAPE, AOL, MSN, Google Chrome, SeaMonkey, and BT Yahoo, Toolbar Google, Windows Live, Yahoo!, and MSN, deletes activity traces from more than 500 applications, including Microsoft Office 2007 and Skype (!).Opportunities and innovation in this version:• Full support for Mozilla Firefox. Fully supported and deleted cookies, history pages, Stored Text in Forms, Stored Passwords, Downloads.• In the Application Traces improved processing applications.• In Internet (IE) added many new items: Browser Extensions Using Statistics, Advanced Searchbar Search History, LinkedIn Toolbar Traces (paragraphs Search History and Cache Files), MySpace Toolbar Traces (points Cached Images and Logs), Cached Files, Baidu Toolbar Traces (Search History items and Cached Files), AltaVista Toolbar Search History, Excite Speedbar Traces (paragraphs Search History and Cache Files), Ask Toolbar Search History and Silverlight Traces (paragraphs Recent Websites, Data Files and Cached Files tabs).• In Internet (Google Chrome) adds new paragraphs: Downloads and Stored Text in Forms.• In paragraph Cookies section Internet (Google Chrome), you can examine in detail the cookies.• In paragraph Cookies section Internet (Opera), the user can view the cookies, and cookies to examine in detail.• In Internet (Safari) adds a new paragraph Stored Passwords in Forms.• In the System section added item Indexing Service Catalogs (only for Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003).• In the System section and section user (user) added paragraph Problem Reports (only for Windows Vista, Server 2008 and Windows 7).• Existing files can be overwritten in the Startup Rename Manager. In the file table is added the third column Overwrite an existing Folder / File, and in the dialog box Paths - check Overwrite an existing Folder / File.Size, OS: 7.59 MB, Windows 7/Vista/XPLanguage: English
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